Q & A

Do you have questions about living in the complex? See below for a lot of the common questions answered for you! Find the category that you're looking for and review the most common questions asked to the Property Management Firm and the Board of Directors.


  • What are Bylaws and Policies?

      • Bylaws and polices are a set of documents outlining the set of rules and regulations that the condominium complex must abide by in order to maintain the cohesiveness of the complex for property value purposes as well as the harmonious living between neighbours. The Condominium Property Act oversees all Bylaws within the Province of Alberta.

  • How are the Policies and Bylaws enforced?

      • As per the Condominium Property Act, the Corporation (Board of Directors) is responsible for the enforcement of its bylaws and the control, management and administration of its real and personal property and the common property.

  • What happens if I or someone in my unit (guest or otherwise) contravene the Bylaws/Policies?

      • The unit Owner is responsible for all guests or otherwise (this includes Tenants) while on the complex. The unit Owner is responsible to ensure that the Bylaws/Policies are adhered to. Any contravention may result in sanctions on the unit in which the unit Owner will be solely responsible to pay.

  • What do I do if I notice another unit contravening the Bylaws/Policies?

      • Advise the Board of Directors and Property Management firm via email with details in regards to when the incident occurred and what Bylaws/Policies the person may have contravened.

  • I'm looking to sell my unit. Can I put up a 'For Sale' or Realtor sign?

      • As per the Bylaws, no signs are to be erected on the common property at any time. A sign can be placed on either the inside kitchen or living room window only. Any signs found on common property will be removed and disposed of at the Owner's expense.

  • I'm looking to sell my unit. Where can I find the documents required for the sale?

      • Owners or agents can request documents through docs.connellymanagement.com. If you are looking for Bylaws, policies, forms, or the complex's insurance certificate, these can be found under resources.

changes to the unit

  • Why do I need Board approval to change my patio area?

      • Although the patio area is considered an exclusive use common area, it is still part of the common area overall. There are a lot of bushes, shrubs, trees, etc. that belong to the Corporation. As well, there are sprinkler lines buried (not that deep) within the patio area. Also, it is part of the condo complex and there needs to be a cohesiveness to the overall look and appearance in order to maintain property value. Any changes to the common area must be approved by the Board of Directors before the changes are made; otherwise, any costs associated to reversing the changes to the unit's original state will be charged back to the unit Owner.

  • Do I require Board approval if I make changes to the inside of my unit?

      • Depending on the changes within the unit, there may be approvals required by the Board of Director before work commences. Anything aesthetic (ie. flooring, furniture, fixtures, countertops, etc.) will not require approval but the unit will still need to adhere to the working hours as per the Bylaws so to not disturb adjacent units. No walls (either removal or addition), electrical (especially if it's on an adjourning wall to another unit), etc. will be changed without the prior approval of the Board of Directors.

  • What do I need to do if I wanted to put in an air conditioning unit?

      • Review the air conditioning policy and submit an email with the pertinent information requested within the policy to the Board of Directors for their review and approval. An approval must be provided by the Board of Directors before any work can be performed on the unit or the Board may request it be reverted back to its original state with all associated costs charged back to the unit Owner.

common property

  • What is common property?

      • An area that is not comprised in or does not form part of the a Unit shown on the Condominium Plan which the Corporation is to administer, control, manage, maintain and repair. All areas outside of the unit is considered as common property.

  • What is exclusive use common property?

      • An area that is part of the Common Property but is for the exclusive use of that one unit. The fenced in patio area in front of each unit and the garage apron directly behind each unit's garage is considered exclusive use common property.

  • Who is responsible for the patio areas?

      • The unit resident is responsible for the maintenance of their patio area. This includes keeping it tidy and void of debris, garbage, pet feces, toys, etc.

      • Any removal of shrubs, bushes, etc. out of the patio area must be approved by the Board of Directors or the unit will be responsible for all costs to replace them.


  • What can be compost?

      • All food (raw and cooked), food soiled paper, and yard waste. Review the composting section for more information.

  • What is considered recycling?

      • All paper and cardboard, metal, glass, plastic, and beverage containers. Review the recycling section for more information.

  • What do I do if I see someone dumping large items into the garbage rooms?

      • Take a photo of the items, person(s), and send it to the Board of Directors and Property Management firm with details such as date and time of occurrence, unit number, etc. Any costs associated with the removal and clean up of dumping will be charged back to the unit.


  • What does my condo fees cover/not cover?

      • Condo fees cover contributions to the reserve fund, the common property insurance of the Corporation, Property Management firm, and the maintenance of the common property.

      • Condo fees do not cover the individual unit's insurance, the unit's Tenants, damages caused by individuals, legal fees as a result of individuals' neglect, etc., upgrades to the individual units

  • What is a Reserve Fund Study?

      • The Condominium Property Act requires the Corporation to have a Reserve Fund Study completed every five (5) years for the complex. The Reserve Fund Study is a report which provides projections for the Board of Directors to review and plan for future expenditures. As well, it provides an estimate of what items needs to be maintained/upgraded/fixed and where the reserve fund balance should be. Reserve Funds do not provide inflation projections so the Board of Directors will need to review and adjust accordingly.

  • Why do my condo fees go up?

      • As with all condo complexes, maintenance costs will continually increase on a yearly basis and this needs to be reflected in the condo fees to insure that the complex remains in good order. Also, the reserve fund contributions needs to be at a certain level based on the reserve fund study (minus inflation) and this needs to be collected as part of the condo fees.

fire lane

  • What is considered the fire lane?

      • Any area behind the garage is considered a fire lane. In accordance to the Bylaws and the Traffic Safety Act of Alberta, there is absolutely no parking in the fire lane at any given time.

  • What is considered loading/unloading?

      • To be considered loading/unloading of a vehicle in the fire lane, people must be observed actively loading/unloading from the vehicle. A vehicle parked with no one around or not actively loading/unloading is parking in the fire lane and it is against the Bylaws as well as the Traffic Safety Act of Alberta.

  • If I see someone parked in the fire lane everyday and/or for extended periods of time, what do I do?

      • Take a photo of the vehicle with the license number, unit number, vehicle description and send it to the Board of Directors or Property Management Firm detailing when it occurred (date/time).

      • Contact Calgary Parking Authority @ 403-537-7100 and report of the fire lane infraction. Bylaw officers will then come out and deal with it. Also advise the Board of Directors that this has been done.

owner responsibility

  • What is meant by Resident, Owner, and Tenant?

      • Resident - a person who resides in the complex. This would mean all Owners and Tenants.

      • Owner - a person who owns the unit and is listed on the Land Titles document.

      • Tenant - a person who rents from the unit Owner and is not listed on the Land Titles document.

  • What is my responsibility as a Resident living in my unit?

  • Why do I have to fill out so many forms and keep the Board and the Property Management firm updated?

      • In accordance to the Bylaws and Condominium Property Act, all Residents must register with the Corporation when residing within the condominium property. The information collected also provides the Property Management firm and Board of Directors a way to contact the Residents should the need arise.

  • What is the best way to contact the Board and Property Management firm?

      • The Board of Directors and Property Management firm can be contacted via email.

  • I'm moving in/out, what do I need to know/do?

      • If you're moving in/out, please advise the Property Management firm and Board of Directors. They can assist in insuring that all documents, etc. are up-to-date for the unit (including the removal of your information from the database if you're moving out).

      • If you're a new Owner to complex, fill out the New Owner Information package and send it to the Board of Directors and Property Management firm for processing and registration.


  • How do I register someone who will be staying with me for an extended period of time?

      • If there is a guest to the unit that is staying for more than the allotted time in the parking policy, the guest can be registered. The guest registration form must be filled out in full and submitted to the Property Management firm and Board of Directors at least three (3) business days prior to the guest's arrival in order to provide sufficient time for processing. Any forms sent in after 4 pm on a weekday or any time on a weekend/statutory holiday will not be processed until the next business day.

  • What do I do if I see a Resident parking in visitor parking?

      • Take a photo of the vehicle with the license plate visible and send it to the Property Management firm and Board of Directors along with the details of when it occurred and the parking pass number (if applicable). Anyone violating the parking policy will have their pass revoked and possible infraction sanctions placed on the unit.

  • How many parking passes is each unit allowed?

      • Each unit is allowed one (1) visitor permit. A $10.00 fee and a completed Resident Registration Form are required before the permit will be issued. When your permit application and fee have been received by the Board for processing, a permit will be issued.

  • How many times can my parking pass be used in a month?

      • The current parking policy allows for the pass to be used five (5) times per month. The pass can be revoked if it has been used for more than the allotted times allowed. Any guests staying for an extended period of time should be registered. Any Residents parked in visitor parking will automatically have their pass revoked for a period of six (6) months and will need to re-apply at a cost of $250.00. Continued abuse will result in a permanent revocation of the pass.

  • I've lost my parking pass, how do I get a new one?

      • Lost permits must be reported to the Board immediately. Until such time that notification is received and acknowledged by the Board, any usage of the permit by others will be the responsibility of the resident the permit was issued to (this includes costs as a result to damages to property). Fill out the Resident Registration Form in full and submit it to the Property Management Firm and the Board of Directors. Once the document has been reviewed and processed, a replacement pass will be issued after the cost $250.00 has been collected from the Resident.

  • I want to rent a cube container or something similar. What is the process?

      • Contact the Board of Directors with the details of the dates of when the container will be onsite and when it will be removed. The Board will also require the dimensions of the container. Once all the information is received, the Board will review and if approved, provide a letter of authorization in which it must be attached to the container for the duration of it being onsite. The Board requires at least five (5) business days to review and process the request. Failure to get approval from the Board prior to having a container on site will result in having the container removed offsite with all costs charged back to the unit.

  • What type of vehicles are not allowed in the complex?

      • Trailers, campers, boats, snowmobiles, trail bikes, all terrain vehicles, one ton trucks or heavier, motor homes or equipment are not permitted to be stored or parked on-site. This includes trucks carrying or towing such vehicles. Any vehicles found in violation will be ticketed and/or towed at the Owner's expense.


  • How many pets am I allowed?

      • One pet per unit is allowed in the complex. The pet must be 20 lbs or less adult weight and must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to being in the complex. The Pet Approval Application Form must be filled out in full and submitted to the Property Management firm and Board of Directors along with a recent, coloured photo of the pet (full length pet photo required).

  • What are the pet restrictions?

      • There is only one pet allowed per unit at any given time. The pet must be 20 lbs or less adult weight and must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to being in the complex. The pet must be registered with the City of Calgary

  • What do I do if there is a unit with pet feces in the yard?

      • Take a photo of the infraction with the unit number in the photo. Send it to the Board of Directors and it will be actioned. Contravention of the Bylaws, Policies, and Regulations can be subjected to sanctions.

  • What happens if a pet is evicted from the unit/complex?

      • The pet must be removed from the premises within seven (7) days of notification to avoid further legal action with all costs charged back to the unit.


  • What do I do if I want to rent out my unit?

      • The Intent to Rent form needs to be completed in full and must be submitted to the Board of Directors and Property Management firm prior to the Tenant moving in.

  • Why do I have to fill out so many forms to rent out my unit?

      • In accordance to the Bylaws and Condominium Property Act, all Residents must register with the Corporation when residing within the condominium property. The information collected also provides the Property Management firm and Board of Directors a way to contact the Residents should the need arise.

  • How does the Residential Tenancy Act affect our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act?

      • Mosaic of Elgin Hill is an Owners complex and not a rental property.

      • The Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act supercedes (trumps) the Residential Tenancy Act.

  • Who is responsible for my Tenants and any damages they may cause?

      • The unit Owner will be responsible for all damages, infraction sanctions, and costs associated with their Tenant contravening the policies, regulations, and Bylaws of the complex.

  • Can I put up a 'For Rent' sign?

      • As per the Bylaws, no signs are to be erected on the common property at any time. A sign can be placed on either the inside kitchen or living room window only. Any signs found on common property will be removed and disposed of at the Owner's expense.