
Are you new to Mosaic of Elgin Hill or have recently changed your vehicle, email address, or phone number? You'll be able to update the Board as well as the Property Management firm using the forms below. Monetary sanctions will be applied to Owners who do not adhere to the policies and Bylaws.


  1. Updating resident information will allow the Board and the Property Management firm to distribute correspondence that is important to you as they arise. Please note that a visitor parking pass will not be issued if you do not submit your resident registration form.

  2. If you are new to the complex and have not submitted your resident form but have an existing pass, the pass will be revoked and any visitor found parking with your void pass will be towed immediately.

Renting out your townhouse?

If so, you must provide notice tothe Property Management firm prior to you renting out your unit. Monetary sanctions will be applied to Owners who do not adhere to the policies and Bylaws.

Have a guest staying for an extended period of time?

Registering your guest's vehicle for extended visits will avoid your guest's vehicle from being ticketed and/or towed at the vehicle owner's expense!


Abuse of the visitor parking pass will result in the pass being revoked for 6 months. The revoked pass must be returned to the Property Management firm within 10 days from revocation. After 6 months from date of revocation, you will need to apply to reinstate your pass at a cost of $250.00. Repeat offenders will have their pass revoked on a permanent basis.


Do you have a pet within your unit? If you do, the pet must be approved by the Board of Directors so please submit your pet approval application to avoid your pet being evicted from the complex. Do not assume that because the previous Owner has a large pet that your application will be approved. Mosaic of Elgin Hill Board of Directors will not assume responsibility for misinformation that Realtors, previous Owners or any third party person may have provided. Monetary sanctions will be applied to Owners who do not adhere to the policies and Bylaws.


  1. Only one (1) pet is permitted per unit as per Condominium Bylaws. No exceptions.

  2. Forms must be completed in full or it will be rejected.

  3. A recent photo of the pet (taken within the same month of the application) is required with the form or it will not be processed.

  4. Failure to comply with the By-Laws will result in the eviction of the pet.

Policies pertaining to visitor parking and ownership of a pet can be found in our resources section. As a result of Residents and off-site Owners not adhering to the policies and Bylaws, the Board had to implement a fine structure in order to keep the cost of management fees to a minimum.

Looking to sell and require documents?

Owners or agents can request documents through If you are looking for Bylaws, policies, forms, or the complex's insurance certificate, these can be found under resources.

Mosaic of Elgin Hill is an Owner site and not a rental property. Any Owner who wishes to rent out their unit or portion thereof are solely responsible for their Tenant(s) at all times and costs will be charged back to the Owner.

New resident or have updates?

Did you just move into the complex or have lived here for awhile but have an update (ie. phone number, off-site address, email, etc.) that you would like to advise the Board and the Property Management firm with? Please fill out the respective forms and submit it to the Board and the Property Management firm so your unit's records can be updated.

Air Conditioning

Mosaic of Elgin Hill - Air Conditioning Policy.pdf

air conditioning policy

An Owner or Resident of Mosaic of Elgin Hill Condominium is permitted to install an airconditioning unit only if the conditions in the policy are adhered to. Failure to adher to the policy will result in the Owner or Resident removing the unit within seven (7) days of notice or a professional will be hired to remvoe it at the expense of the Owner/Resident.

owner information

Mosaic of Elgin Hill - Welcome Package Forms.pdf

welcome package forms

A full package complete with all the forms required to get yourself registered with the Condo Board and the Property Management firm. Needs to be completed within thirty (30) days of moving into the complex.

Mosaic of Elgin Hill - Owner Information Form.pdf

owner information form

Form used to update the Board and the Property Management firm of any Owner information changes such as email address, vehicle changes, phone number, off-site address, pet, and/or emergency contact.

Connelly Pre-Authorized Payment Form.pdf

pre-authorization payment form

Form used by the Property Management firm to withdraw the monthly condo fees. Once completed, it needs to be sent to the Property Management Firm for processing.


Mosaic of Elgin Hill - Parking Policy.pdf

parking policy

An Owner/Resident of Mosaic of Elgin Hill Condominium shall not, nor permit any member of the household park in the visitor parking stalls. The parking stalls are for guests/visitors only.

MEH - Infraction Sanctions - Parking.pdf

infraction sanctions

No Owner/Resident/Tenant(s) are allowed to park in the visitor parking at any time. Any violations of this will result in sanctions applied to the unit up to and including the permanent revocation of the visitor parking pass.

Mosaic of Elgin Hill - Guest Vehicle Registration Form.pdf

guest vehicle registration form

For any guests staying longer than the allocated times per month in the parking policy, this form must be filled out and submitted to the Board at least 3 business days PRIOR TO your guest's arrival. While utilizing the visitor parking stall, the permit must be displayed in a manner which the number can be seen from outside of the vehicle at all times.

pet policy & registration

MEH - Pet Policy.pdf

pet policy

An Owner/Resident shall not keep or allow any animal, livestock, fowl or pet of any kind at any time to be in the Unit or Common Property without the specific written approval in writing of the Board first had and obtained.

MEH - Infraction Sanctions - Pets.pdf

infraction sanctions

The Board may arbitrarly withhold and may, if given, withrdaw the pet approval for an Owner/Resident on seven (7) days notices for any problems caused the the pet. This also includes any pet that has not been approved by the Board.

MEH - Pet Approval Application Form.pdf

pet approval application form

An Owner/Resident must submit a Pet Approval Application (completed in full) to the Board for approval of any pet. Failure to do so may result in the eviction of the pet with all costs being charged back to the Owner.

resident information

MEH - Resident Registration Form.pdf

resident registration form

To ensure that all Residents receive communication from the Board, this form must be filled out in full and submitted to the Board. This form is used for both Owners/Residents that reside in the complex to update any information throughout their residency within the complex.

MEH - Infraction Sanctions - Owners and Tenants.pdf

infraction sanctions

Mosaic of Elgin Hill is an Owner site and not a rental property. Any Owner whom wishes to rent out their unit or portion thereof are solely responsible for their Tenant(s) at all times. Any Owner or Tenant(s) found to be contravening the policies, regulations, Bylaws, and/or the Condominium Property Act will be subjected (but not limited to) infraction sanctions.

tenant undertaking

MEH - Intent to Rent Notice Form.pdf

intent to rent notice form

An Owner of Mosaic of Elgin Hill Condominium must submit a completed (in full) the Intent to Rent Notice/Tenant Undertaking within twenty (20) days from the commencement of the tenancy as per the Alberta Condominium Property Act.