Roadway Cleanup - Gravel Removal

Post date: Apr 02, 2019 4:47:16 PM

Please be advised that weather permitting, the Fire Lanes and Parking Lots will be power swept between April 19 - 25, 2019. If you have visitors staying with you on these dates, kindly have them park their vehicles on the roadways outside of the project.

Any vehicles left on site that day may be subject to damage by flying gravel, sand and/or the cleaning equipment. The Condominium Corporation will not be responsible for any damages caused.

In order to ensure the visitor parking, fire lanes and drive lanes remain tidy after the clean-up has been completed, please feel free to sweep your garage out into the middle of the roadway no later than 8 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Anyone found to be leaving it in the roadway after it has been cleaned up will be charged back the fee of hiring a contractor to remove it. We have had issues with residents who have ignored our request in the past and this has cost us more money than required to get it cleaned up.

It would be a good idea to ensure your windows are closed that day as power sweeping can create a lot of dust. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter and helping to ensure a nice job is done on the cleaning.