2019 - 2020 Operating & Replacement Reserve Budget

Post date: Apr 05, 2019 4:53:22 PM

The 2019 – 2020 approved budget together with a breakdown of the monthly & annual portion assessed to each unit was sent out on April 5, 2019. Effective May 1, 2019, the condo fees will increase to $251.00 for the fiscal year May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020. The increase is to cover increases to insurance premiums, Reserve Fund contributions and proceeding with the Bylaw review as well as to cover the cost of inflation.

Those Owners currently on pre-authorized payment (PAP), the new fee of $251.00 will be automatically withdrawn effective May 1, 2019. For those who are utilizing cheques, please forward the postdated cheques in the amount of $251.00 from May 1, 2019 to April 1, 2020 payable to Mosaic of Elgin Hill to Montgomery Ross. Please ensure your unit number is clearly marked on each cheque.

As well, the Board would like to advise of the following items:

Proposed projects to occur in the 2019 – 2020 year:

    • Downspouts / eaves trough repairs

    • Concrete repairs on medium priority patio and landing work

    • Landscaping work throughout various areas of the complex (includes pruning, new plants, shoring up certain areas)

Other items the Board is currently reviewing:

  • Concrete repairs to high priority garage aprons as a result of heaving from frost

  • Exposed irrigation lines throughout the complex

  • Vents in regards to birds entering them

  • Bylaws review

Roadway cleanup – gravel removal:

Please be advised that weather permitting, the Fire Lanes and Parking Lots will be power swept between April 19 - 25, 2019. If you have visitors staying with you on these dates, kindly have them park their vehicles on the roadways outside of the project. Any vehicles left on site that day may be subject to damage by flying gravel, sand and/or the cleaning equipment. The Condominium Corporation will not be responsible for any damages caused.

In order to ensure the visitor parking, fire lanes and drive lanes remain tidy after the clean-up has been completed, please feel free to sweep your garage out into the middle of the roadway no later than 8 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Anyone found to be leaving it in the roadway after it has been cleaned up will be charged back the fee of hiring a contractor to remove it. We have had issues with residents who have ignored our request in the past and this has cost us more money than required to get it cleaned up. It would be a good idea to ensure your windows are closed that day as power sweeping can create a lot of dust. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter and helping to ensure a nice job is done on the cleaning.


· There is no parking in the fire lane! Loading/unloading is allowed but people must be present ACTIVELY doing this. Parking in the fire lane is a contravention of the Bylaws and Owners will be levied a fine for doing so.

· Visitor parking is for VISITORS only – no Residents. Must display parking pass at all times (hanging from rearview mirror with number visibly showing and NOT thrown on the dash)

· Garbage/recycling/composting:

o Large garbage items should be taken to the dump and not left beside the bins as they do not get picked up by the vendor which means extra costs to the Corporation to get it removed

o Break down your recycling before putting it into the bin as the vendor will not pick it up if it spills out onto the surrounding areas

o Do not put non-compostable items into the composting bins as they will not be picked up and it will cost extra for us to get it sorted and picked up

· Pets should be on leash and in the control of the Owner at all times while on common property. This is in alignment with the City of Calgary Bylaws and the Corporation Bylaws. Contravention of such Bylaws could mean the eviction of the pet with all costs charged back to the Owner.

· All documents are on the website (www.mosaicofelginhill.com) for all Residents to access & review and the Board encourages all Residents to do so.

· Owners whom rent out their units are responsible for their Tenants. The condo fees collected by the Corporation does not include the management of your Tenants. Intent to rent forms MUST be received by the Board for processing PRIOR to renting out the unit as per the Condominium Property Act.