Upcoming plans for the complex

Post date: Apr 27, 2018 4:58:17 PM

It's spring time and the complex is gearing up this year for a busy season! Roadway work will begin in the next month or two along the townhouses #129 - 177 and #136 - 164. During this time, access to garages will not be available. The Board is currently looking at making arrangements for the utilization of the visitor parking spots to accommodate these residents. Once the schedule is confirmed, the Board will be sending out a communication to advise all residents along this area of next steps.

Other plans for the complex this upcoming season include electrical work, eavestrough repairs, window/power washing, and landscaping upgrades. It was a long and cold winter and the Board has been waiting anxiously to get started on the projects this year. As more details come to light (as a lot of these will be determined by the timeline for the roadway construction), the Board will advise so please remember to check your emails or the website for upcoming announcements! Website: www.mosaicofelginhill.com

Have you signed up for TownSq yet? Many Owners have received an email (if you have signed up for the email notifications) with their personalized information to sign up. We'll be posting updates through there, the website and via email in the coming months. If you haven't, check it out as it's a great mobile app to keep in touch with the community but also to put in a service request to Montgomery Ross!