Roadway and Stone Work

Post date: May 08, 2018 4:48:8 PM

Brookfield has advised that some units' stone work will start mid-to-late May. Brookfield will require access to the inside of the units which has stonework (half and full walls) to do an assessment prior to the outside work to commence. A schedule is currently being created as to when Brookfield will require access. Once this has been finalized, the Board will advise the Owners affected. As this is a priority work for the complex, we request cooperation from all Owners involved. A locksmith will be on standby should the Owner not be available to let Brookfield in and all costs will be charged back to the unit Owner.

The roadway project is expected to commence in June and limited to no access to unit garages will occur during this time. Owners affected by the construction work will be notified once the schedule has been finalized by Brookfield. Again, this is priority work and we request that Owners be patient and cooperate with all vendors to ensure this project gets done correctly and in an efficient manner so to not delay the project and cause further inconvenience to all neighbours. The Board will notify everyone once further details are supplied to us in the next couple of weeks.

Special parking passes will be allocated to the units most affected by the roadway construction. The Board will advise shortly when Residents can pick them up for their unit and what is required to obtain the pass.

The garbage garage closest to the roadway construction area will be affected during the construction phase so please read the signage on all the garbage garages. There will be dedicated garbage, recycling, and composting areas. We request that all Residents assist with this construction phase by following the signs, and notices that will be going up for everyone's safety.