Complex Insurance Certificate & Winter Preparedness 2017

Post date: Oct 31, 2017 8:36:14 PM

The Certificate of Insurance for the complex has been renewed for another year with AJ Gallagher Canada Limited. We suggest that you speak with your homeowner's insurance agent to find out if you are covered for any of the Condo's deductible (which are $10,000 respectively for water and sewer claims) should there be a claim where you are found responsible. This type of coverage (called a buy-down rider) is available from some issuers and could reduce your exposure to risk and liability.

As winter is fast approaching in Calgary, the Board of Directors would like to remind our Owners and Residents of a few tips that may be helpful during the winter months.

As a reminder, policies and Bylaws are strictly enforced within the complex. They are posted on the website under resources for your reference.

The Board is also seeking volunteers to create a Bylaw Revision Committee. As discussed at our AGM, our Bylaws need to be revised in order to stay updated with the current and changing legislation. We are seeking Owners for volunteer positions on a committee to review some of the Bylaws and make recommendations to the Board for review and approval. If you are an Owner and are interested in assisting with the review of the Bylaws, please contact the Board via email.