UPDATED Pet Policy - effective April 7, 2015

Post date: Apr 09, 2015 5:49:7 PM

The Board of Directors have reviewed the current Pet Policy and procedures and have made revisions. The intent of the new policy is to ensure that our Residents continue to own a pet responsibly and within the guidelines set forth within our Bylaws and the City of Calgary Bylaws.

At this time, we request that all units with a pet fill in the attached approval form and submit it to the Board along with a recent coloured photo of your pet for re-approval. This includes units who currently have a registered grandfathered pet. Please note that the grandfathered status ends when your current pet passes away and you choose to get another pet. The new pet must be in compliance with the 20 lbs adult weight limit and must be approved by the Board.

The Board recognizes that there are currently some units with a pet larger than the 20 lbs adult weight limit. As a result, the Board is providing a onetime only exception where if a pet was acquired prior to October 1, 2013, the Owner can register the pet with the Board of Directors (you will still need to fill in the attached application and submit it with a recent coloured photo). You must provide proof that you owned the pet and owned/resided in the condo unit prior to October 1, 2013. Any Owner who has a grandfathered pet who do not submit their application for registration by the deadline date will no longer have the grandfathered status and will need to adhere to the 20 lbs adult weight limit. No exceptions.


1. Fill in the attached approval form in full

2. Submit it to the Board along with a recent coloured photo of your pet (must be taken within the month of application)

3. The Board’s address: info@mosaicofelginhill.com


The Board recommends any pet Owners to review the Pet Policy as it is strictly enforced. If you have any questions, please contact Montgomery Ross. Thank you.