Children on the roadway - Letter from McLeod Law LLP

Post date: Aug 03, 2015 3:21:5 PM

By now, all Residents residing within the complex should have received a letter from Stephanie Whyte of McLeod Law LLP in regards to children on the roadway. Please read through the letter and understand the situation. The Board has been dealing with this issue over the last couple of years and neighbours have been contacting us raising this concern. We have numerous "blind spots" in our complex and Residents have encountered a few "near misses" as a result of children playing on the roadway.

Please keep in mind that all roads within the complex are considered as fire lanes and are roads, not a playground. The posted speed limit is 15 km/hr yet there have been some Residents who believe it's the speedway. A child being hit at this speed can suffer significant injury or loss. We remind everyone to drive with due care and attention, including backing out of the garage. The Condominium Corporation will not be held responsible for any injury or loss that might occur as a result. Thank you.