Visitor Parking

Post date: Feb 10, 2014 4:54:9 AM

As there have been a lot of snowfall, some of the visitor parking area have been utilized to place the snow. This does not mean that a visitor in the complex can park in front of or beside the snow pile. A visitor must park in a stall (marked by the yellow lines) designated for visitor parking. Any visitor parking that has been utilized to store the snow is not a valid parking area. Any vehicle found parked on the roadway (this includes any vehicle parked by a snow pile as it is on the roadway) will be ticketed and/or towed at the Owner's expense. The roadway is considered to be a fire lane and no vehicle is allowed to park there except for emergency vehicles (fire, police, ambulance).

Fines will be levied against Owners who's guest vehicle is parked on the roadway.