New Property Manager: Jean-Paul (JP) Bachand

Post date: Dec 16, 2014 6:19:1 PM

The Board would like to advise that we have a new Property Manager, Jean-Paul (JP) Bachand, who has taken over for Dawn Ker from Montgomery Ross. We have been working with Dawn to transition JP into the role.

JP has over 20+ years in the customer service industry of which 10 have been dedicated to property management. His experience extends from residential property management and now is focusing on condominium property management. JP also has real estate knowledge and bring with him a passion for the industry. He is very excited to join our complex and look forward to meeting Owners and Residents on-site.

The Board would like to welcome JP and extend our appreciation for the dedication Dawn Ker has shown to the complex and the Board over the last couple of years. Dawn has been promoted within Montgomery Ross to specialize in high-rise condominium buildings and is excited to start her new venture. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

JP can be reached at 403-234-7556 x 240 or via email at