For Sale Signs

Post date: Feb 21, 2014 9:19:35 PM

Are you planning to have your unit up for sale or have already listed it? If so, please make sure you have reviewed the Mosaic of Elgin Hill Bylaws prior to erecting a for sale sign on the property. The Mosaic of Elgin Hill Bylaw 62 b) iv) pertaining to Use and Occupancy Restriction where an Owner shall not:

Erect, place, allow, keep or display signs (including "For Sale" signs), billboards, advertising matter or other notices or displays of any kind on the Common Property or in or about any Unit without the prior approval of the Board.

Any signs noted on the complex without the prior approval of the Board will be removed at the Owner's expense. The Bylaws can be found on our website under Resources for your reference. Until the keys are handed over from seller to purchaser, the current Owner is still responsible for the unit.