Electronic communication - your response is required

Post date: Jun 11, 2014 4:39:28 PM

The Government of Canada have passed an anti-spam legislation where the majority will come into force on July 1, 2014. There is a transition period which the Government of Canada have provided for companies, etc. to make the required changes in order to comply with Canada's anit-spam legislation. During this transition period, the Board is requesting that Owners/Residents (including Tenants) advise us if you wish to "opt-in" or "opt-out" of corresponding with the Board and its agents (for example, Montgomery Ross) via electronic messages.

What does opt-in mean? This means that when you write the Board and/or its agents via email, the Board and/or its agents can respond via email. You can opt-out at anytime with an email to the Board and/or its agents advising that you wish to opt-out along with the unit number you are located in and if you are an Owner/Resident or Tenant.

What does opt-out mean? This means that when you write the Board and/or its agents via email, the Board and/or its agents cannot respond via email. You can opt-in at anytime with an email to the Board and/or its agents advising that you wish to opt-out along with the unit number you are located in and if you are an Owner/Resident or Tenant.

Please note that this does not mean you will be released from any obligations that you may have by residing in the complex. For example, by opting out and not receiving any electronic messages from the Board and/or its agents does not release you from paying your condo fees or violation fines, etc. Any Owner/Resident or Tenant is still required to adhere to the Bylaws, policies, rules & regulations set forth by the Condo Corporation and any changes that may occur from time to time.

Please take a moment and fill in the questionnaire to indicate if you would like to opt-in or opt-out of the electronic messages in accordance to Canada's anit-spam legislation. If you have any questions, please contact us. For more information, please visit the CRTC's website.

Questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/V87WMB3