Approval required - landscaping changes within patio area

Post date: Jun 07, 2014 4:16:14 PM

Did you know the area within the fenced gates of each unit is common area? As it is common area, any changes made need to be approved by the Board prior to making the change or you will be required to put it back at the Owner's expense.

If you wish to make changes to the area, please send the Board an email with the following information for review and approval.

    1. In the subject line: Landscaping changes request - unit # (enter your unit number)

    2. Provide us with what will be removed and what will be put in place

    3. Provide us with a timeline as to when this will be completed

Once the Board receive your application, the Board will review and provide you with their decision. Please remember to acquire the Board's approval prior to making any landscaping changes to the patio area or you will be accountable and liable for all expenses to put it back to its original state.

If your application is approved, the Board can request the landscaping crew to remove the shrubs/trees within your area on your behalf to place them somewhere else within the complex. This will reduce your time and expense for removing them but it will also reduce the landscaping expense as the shrubs/trees can be re-purposed throughout the complex.